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by Uplift


COVID-19 presents enormous challenges to individuals, families, and communities, and Uplift realizes that this time might feel isolating and scary for many.  Some people have been forced to work in dangerous conditions to provide for their families, while others struggle to pay their rent. We understand the physical, emotional, and financial strain our communities are facing, and we too are feeling the effects of the pandemic. 

The Coronavirus is unveiling the myriad injustices of a system that causes certain communities to be disproportionately affected by crisis. In this moment, elderly, disabled, fat, queer and trans, Black and brown bodies; people who are undocumented; people without access to clean drinking water; unsheltered people; and people without health care are particularly vulnerable.   

The systems of power that target these communities are the same systems that create climate disaster. Capitalism and colonialism converge to privilege industries, corporations, and Wall Street over the health and well being of individuals and communities. We have watched the United States government and other governments around the world sacrifice our future and well-being for the interests of private industries and the 1%. As youth, we know it is our communities and families who support us and prioritize our future. 

This is why we are asking our communities and families for support. Please consider becoming a monthly donor and helping us reach our goal of welcoming 40 new donors in the month of April. If you have the capacity to give, we urge you to support Uplift as we build a regional climate movement across the Colorado Plateau.  

Your monthly donations will enable 8 fellows from across the Southwest region to engage in digital organizing, to learn from each other and other climate justice organizers, and to build their skills through webinars and trainings. Your support will also ensure that our staff receive a living wage and provide Uplift with the resources and flexibility we need to shift in these times of constant change. 

At a minimum of $5 per month you can support our efforts to connect, train, and mobilize youth for bold climate action. Support our efforts to organize for climate justice across the Colorado Plateau by becoming a monthly donor today and receive, in addition to other monthly rewards, our first ever Uplift zine! 


$12,185 RAISED

$40,000 GOAL

This Appeal 29 30%
has ended. Believers Funded
This appeal has ended.